Digital Marketing

Why Knowing The Differences Between Inbound And Outbound Traffic Is Vital For Every Business Owner

The use of digital marketing in its many forms by businesses may have several objectives, but one which is usually uppermost is the goal of attracting and sending traffic to a business’s website. Once traffic lands on a business’s website, that business has total control over what visitors see, what they read, what they hear, and ultimately what call to action they try to encourage any visitor to take.

When businesses are discussing getting traffic to their website with their marketing team, or an eternal digital marketing agency, two of the terms used to describe that traffic is organic and paid. Organic traffic is that generated from search engines with the help of SEO, and paid traffic is that which is generated from paid advertising such as pay per click ads.

However, there are additional labels that are used to describe traffic and knowing what they mean is important if a business’s digital marketing efforts and especially their traffic generation are to be optimised. Two of the additional terms used to describe traffic are inbound and outbound.

We must clarify that inbound and outbound are not how you might usually use them. For example, when discussing vehicular traffic you might say that the inbound and outbound traffic is cars entering or leaving a car park. You must be aware that the use of inbound and outbound to describe online traffic does not have those exact connotations and thus it does means traffic arriving at or leaving a website.

Instead, inbound, and outbound are terms used to describe the intentions of potential visitors when you use digital marketing to attract them. To clarify further here are more detailed explanations of each.

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Web Design 7 Ways To Ensure Your Domain Name Helps Rather Than Hinders Your SEO

Why Great Web Design Can Stop People Leaving Your Website

When web designers create websites, especially those for a business, one of the most important objectives of the design is to ensure that when visitors land on the website, they remain there for some time. Given that attention spans online can be minuscule, getting someone to remain even for 10 seconds or more is a challenge. However, that challenge can be met by great web design facilitated by professional web designers.

It is often the case that a business owner who has an awesome product or service to offer and does so at a highly competitive price gets frustrated when their website fails to generate the number of sales and subsequent revenue they are expecting. It is almost certain that the reason they are not getting results is that website visitors are leaving their website before they have been exposed to the fantastic offers that are within it.

Several website deficiencies could be to blame, and so we have taken some of them and outlined proven fixes for them. Some are easier than others, and it might be the case that a web designer is required to instigate a redesign of the failing website.

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SEO 7 Ways To Ensure Your Domain Name Helps Rather Than Hinders Your SEO

7 Ways To Ensure Your Domain Name Helps Rather Than Hinders Your SEO

You may have heard the question, “What’s in a name?”. Well, when it comes to websites and where they rank in Google, their name, or to be more precise, their domain name, can mean a lot. This stems firstly from the fact that when Google is placing importance upon where a keyword related to a website is located, at the top of that hierarchy is the domain name. This means if your domain name exactly matches a keyword, it goes a long way to improving your rankings.

Of course, this should not mean that you should drop everything and try to find a domain that exactly matches your main keyword. Why? Well, unless you are lucky or looking for a domain within a very narrow niche, it is more than likely that the domain you are seeking has already been taken. That does not mean they all are, but finding an exact match domain is a lot more difficult than it has ever been.

Whether you can find an exact match domain or not, there are additional ways you can ensure your domain name helps your rankings rather than hinders them. These come from many years of research done by SEO experts and also from some of the advice that Google has published. So, here are seven tips on choosing the optimal domain name.

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Web Design

How Your Checkout Page’s Design Influences Buyer Behaviour

For many businesses which operate online, the website that they hire web designers to create enables sales directly from that website. These are usually called eCommerce websites. although not every website which facilitates sales are necessarily owned and run as an eCommerce business. Many non-eCommerce businesses have sales transactions such as those that are selling digital products.

If we assume that a business has high quality and desirable products for sale, then we can consider how the website they are being sold from influences whether visitors to that website decide to purchase or not. We say that because the best-designed website online is going to struggle to sell products nobody wants or that are patently sub-standard.

As for those websites promoting quality products, then one of the most important pages within that website is going to be the checkout page. It is when on the checkout page that many sales are won, but more crucially they can also be lost there too. So, what you want is a checkout page that does the former, and below are several design features that can have that positive influence that veers customers towards buying.

Have Bold, Simple Calls To Action

The less thought and effort required on a checkout page to make a purchase the better. This is why all calls to action that are there, such as “Add To Basket”, or “Click To Purchase” should leave no room for doubt. They should also be very prominent and have coloured buttons which leave no doubt as to what customers must click.

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Web Design

7 Clear Indications That Your Business Website Needs A Redesign

There comes a point when most business owners start looking for web designers because there are more signs than ever that their current website has passed the point of no return. By that we mean that it has got to a stage where several deficiencies are either being measured or worse, being seen by all who land on that website.

Another scenario that exists is a business owner will be oblivious to the problems that are befalling their website, and this can occur for several reasons. Worst of them all, they spend no time whatsoever monitoring their website or measuring its performance and simply let it fall into decline. It is also possible that a business owner has little knowledge of their web design, and they are not identifying issues because they do not know what to look for.

For that first scenario, we will be honest and say there is little we can do for a business owner who does not care. However, for those business owners who do care, but are unaware of what constitutes website deficiencies, we are going to help them by highlighting seven of the most common and why a new website design is the only solution.

Indicator #1 – Your Website Does Not Display Properly On Mobile Devices

A website that is not mobile-friendly is akin to having a black and white TV set. In other words, no one wants them and thus no visitor is going to remain on a website if they cannot see and use it properly on their mobile phone.

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